On this weeks episode we talk about Funeral Homes and why they are such a great candidate for Cost Segregation.
For the Q&A Segment we’ll be covering:
- How to get your initial warm contacts on an Intro Call to look for qualifications?
- Can a client go back and capture bonus depreciation for previous years?
- If a client has a new construction project, do you have to wait until the building is complete to do a Cost Segregation Study?
- If a company is currently going through an IRS audit is it a good time for a Cost Segregation Study?
Plus, congratulations to two newer Advisors on their recent success.
Links referenced in the SalesCast:
- ARTICLE: Specialized Tax Incentives for Funeral Homes
- PREVIOUS EPISODE: More about Warm Market / Introduction calls
- ARTICLE: The #1 Lie About Cost Segregation
- QUOTE: This quote was referenced in the episode
[blockquote]“Cost Segregation Studies are a lucrative tax strategy that should be considered in almost every real estate purchase.” -U.S. Treasury[/blockquote]
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- In the app, click on “SalesCast”
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