Medical offices of all types are excellent candidates for a Cost Segregation study. This is due to the fact that most medical facilities contain extensive amounts of cabinetry and counter-tops throughout their buildings. In addition, most medical facilities have a high number of dedicated electrical and plumbing work supplying both the medical and office equipment. This could include but would not be limited to: water lines, gas lines and compressed air lines. They also normally include extensive data communications systems, intercom systems and sound or video system which ALL qualify for accelerated depreciation. This list does not even touch on outdoor excavation work that would qualify.
The very best method for identifying qualified property is the use of a cost segregation study provided via an engineer working in conjunction with your CPA to identify and classify all qualified property.
GMG has worked with many medical facilities to uncover tax incentives and credits that allowed their offices to expand, hire additional staff and reinvest in their practices. Your facility should be taking advantage of the potential money that is available for them today.