[separator headline=”h3″ title=”WOTC Overview”]

WOTC stands for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit and is not one but several tax credits given to employers at a Federal level for hiring qualified employees. Annually employers claim over $1 billion in tax credits under this program. There is no limit on the number of individuals an employer can hire to qualify to claim the tax credit.

The success and growth of this income tax credit for business is beneficial for all who participate, while increasing America’s economic growth and productivity.
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[accordion-item title=”History of the Program” open=”true”]Hiring Incentives have been a part of our country’s infrastructure since the early 1940’s. At that time most Hiring Incentives were focused on Veterans returning to work after periods of service. This continued to be the main focus for Hiring Incentives until the 1970’s and 1980’s when the focus was expanded to include Ex Felons, and Welfare Recipients.

There was a dramatic shift and expansion to Hiring Incentives in the late 1990’s throughout the 2000’s which opened the door for “Job Creation” as the focus for Hiring Incentives. As a part of this change the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) was created in 1996 and has been modified, extended and consolidated with existing Hiring Incentives repeatedly since.

The credit was scheduled to be eliminated in 2015, but the PATH Act signed in December 2015 reinstated the tax credit and extended it through December 31, 2019.
[accordion-item title=”What are the Benefits of WOTC?” open=”false” icon=”question-sign”]WOTC allows employers to claim a credit against their federal income tax liabilities for qualified employees. WOTC can also be used to offset AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax). Employers generally can earn a tax credit equal to 25% or 40% of a new employee’s first-year wages, up to the maximum for the target group to which the employee belongs. Employers will earn 25% if the employee works at least 120 hours and 40% if the employee works at least 400 hours.

The average benefit per employee is $2,400.00 and can be as much as $9600.00. That means potentially 10 qualified employees could yield a federal income tax credit between $24K – $96K. Additionally, WOTC credits may be carried back one year and carried forward 20 years.

Simply put, the WOTC reduces an employer’s cost of doing business and turns Hurman Resources into a profit center.[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”Our Methodology” open=”false” icon=”question-sign”]
Historically the steps necessary to qualify for the WOTC have been time consuming and burdensome. GMG Savings has made substantial investments in a proprietary technology process that relieves the employer of 90% of this burden by automating most of the steps involved in prescreening and certifying candidates before hiring as well as streamlining the submission of required documentation to State and Federal agencies.

Our online Client portal allows for a simple interface that any size company can take advantage of to avoid the paperwork, tracking, and submission headache that come with managing the WOTC program on their own.
[accordion-item title=”Getting Started” open=”false”]An initial consultation using our proprietary software is conducted to determine the potential benefit. The consultation allows our professionals to evaluate your status and recommend the best course of action to claim the tax credits that belong to you.

The initial consultation is a simple and quick process. To schedule your consultation, please contact us.[/accordion-item]

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[icon icon=”unread”]Have More Questions?

We understand the complexity of these programs, and offer free consultation to assist you in deciding if a study is right for your business. Contact us today for a no hassle, no commitment, no charge review.

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